Thursday, August 23, 2012

1. Define the Constitution… your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences)
Constitutions is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a  state  or other organization is governed. These rules together make up, the constitutions , what the entity is. When these principles are written down into a single collection or set of legal documents, those documents may be said to comprise a written  constitution.

2. How would your life be without the constitution ? All people live differently and we would have our own opion on everything about the different cities and communities. We would live our lives diffeerently.
3. Define the following words:

Ratification -is a principal's approval of an act of it's agent lacked authority to legally bind the principal.
Faction - a type of historical novel rooted in fact

Federalism - fedral principal or system of goverment

Federalist/ Antifederalist -Anti-Federalism refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S fedral goverment and which later opposed the ratification of the Constitution.  

Compromise - To compromise is to make a deal between different parties where each party gives up part of their demand .
The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise) - was an agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the United States Constitution

Checks and Balances - limits imposed on all branches of a goverment by vesting in each branch the right to amend or void those acts of another that fall within its purview.
Democratic Republic -  a form of government in which the state is considered a "public matter "

Delegated Powers of the Federal Government -  they are given in the United Kingdom to the Local Planning Authority planning officers to determine planning applications without the requirment for the application to be put before planning committee.
Reserved Powers of the State Governments - is a power that may be exercised by the  head of state without the approval of another branch of the government.

Separation of Powers - is a model for the  govermance  of a state .

Civil Liberties - are  civil rights and freedoms that provide an individual specific rights

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