Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Anti-Ferderalist and Ferderalist Facts



   -Anti-Federalists in American history, opponents of the adoption of the federal Constitution.



   - Leading Anti-Federalists George Mason , Elbridge Gerry, Patrick Henry, and George Clinton 


   - Later, many of the Anti-Federalists opposed the policies of the Federalist party  and of Alexander Hamilton. 


   - Anti-Federalislm refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the  Constitution of 1787.


   - "The Anti-Federalist Papers " is a detailed explanation of American Anti-Federalist thought.




    -In U.S. history, the political faction that favored a strong federal goverment. 


   - In In the later years of the Articles of Confederation there was much agitation for a stronger federal union, which was crowned with success when the  Constitutional Convention drew up the Constitution of the United States.


   -The men who favored the strong union and who fought for the adoption of the Constitution by the various states were called Federalists, a term made famous in that meaning by the Federalist Papers.  

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