Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Centinel #1


A. Who was the author ?
----- Samuel Bryan

B. When was the essay written ?
----- October 5,1787

C. When does this appear in regards to the timeline of events during the state ratification conventions ? Or in other words, what had happened already when this essay published ?

Question 1: What particular problem is the topic of the essay and what is the author's main contention  about how the Constitution addresses this problem ?
-----Brutus 1

1). Who was the author?
-----Robert Yates

2). When was the essay written?
-----October 8 1787

3). what had already happened when this essay was published?

          (Task 1)
Using a short introduction, guide an unfamiliar, novice reader to see how this essay differs from the Federalist Papers. THen, develop at at least five questions that would guide that reader in understanding the ideas in this Anti-federalist paper. Provide answers to these questions.

         (Task 2 ) -Where did those rights come from, anyway ?
Compare the charges in this essay to the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution following ratification at the request of several states. Create a list of ideas you see in this document that would become amendments.
Match Amendment numbers to the list when finished.

            "If the liberty of the press.... could be rendered sacred.... despotism would fly before it. " ( Centinel #1 )

Task 1
Using a short introduction, guide an unfamilair, novice reader to see how this essay differs from the Federalist Papers. THen, develop at least five questions that would guide that reader in understanding the ideas in this Anti-federalist paper. Provide answers to these questions.

Task 2 Hindsight is 20/20

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